Results 1 - 4 of 4
| Thanks for all your help. We really appreciate the great job that you folks do!
| The web site looks great. All of you did a great job. Please tell Kevin that the homework hotline is really really neat. I had a few teachers figure out how to use it before the instructions we created were distributed. Thanks a bunch. And, everyone that has seen the new site really likes it. Again, please give my thanks to everyone who worked on it.
| Tonya: Just wanted to let you know that I spoke with Mandy on Thursday about our web-page info and how helpful she was. I know sometimes all you hear is the complaints, so I wanted to give her and all of you a “Thank You” for all your help . I always get a response from you all anytime I have a question or concern. Thanks again for good service.
| "The cable job was great. They did neat work and cleaned up the mess. Thank you for your help."